Weaving a Couple of Place Mats

So today I am 12 days post surgery and I saw my orthopedic surgeon.  He was smiling ear to ear when he saw me sitting with my knee bent normally.  I like making people smile.  So needless to say, it's all good.  I can walk without crutches, not far, but fairly normally.

So all this time I was spending on my butt was not wasted.  I have read a few books, namely John Scalzi's Old Man's War series.  I have tried to work on my knitting, but the socks I am knitting for my youngest are in a horrible yarn, horrible colour and are driving me nuts.  It's not that the colour is bad, I just can't see it on the needle.  The yarn itself is a 3 ply wool/nylon blend, but the twist is very loose, and being hard to see, I keep picking up just half the strand.  ARGH!

So when the loom arrived last Thursday, I immediately put it together, in short spurts, warped it, in short spurts, and began weaving.

So now I have two lovely, accidentally square place mats.  I am very happy with how these turned out.  I used some left over Bernat Handicrafters cotton and a 10 dent heddle.  My selvages were even ok.  I would call this success!


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