A Bisque Paper Doll

Another Catherine Moore paper doll.  I dressed her in layers of shimmery tissue paper and gave her a flower hat.  Isn't she as delicate and pretty as the china dolls she's modeled on?

And because I can't help showing the beautiful things happening in my garden, here she is on a peony.  I don't know the name of it.  I started it from seed about 10 years or so ago.  I was at Canada Blooms talking to a gentleman from the peony society.  He gave me the seeds he collected from some of his plants.  I think I started with something like 10 seeds of which about 4 or so sprouted.  Of those just this one plant managed to reach maturity.  It has no scent, but the contrast of the deep magenta petals and the bright yellow anthers is gorgeous.  This peony blooms quite well every year, despite being in quite a bit of shade.  This year it was a little thin.  I think because my weed of a wisteria was shading it to a point where it is unwilling to cooperate.  I hacked back the offending vine and hopefully next year it will be happier.  I can't wait to see what the fern leaf peony seedling I bought for a dollar last year gets up to in the coming years.  Boy I love these quick result gardening projects!  Now you know why I need quick fix paper projects.


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