Beauty in My Eyes

On the weekend I found a new toy.  I had been searching for one of these for a while now.  For a time, I could walk down Queen St. East anytime and have my pick of them all at reasonable prices, but then a lot of the marginal shops moved out as gentrification progressed in its inevitable way.  I had missed my chance and now would have to wait for happenstance.

On the way to a ROM walk, which was incredibly good by the way, we passed by the St. Lawrence Market's antique sale.   I told my husband that seeing as we arrived early we could have a quick look around.  Well the first place set up on the outside of the North building had exactly what I was looking for and was willing to let us have it for a really good price.  A few days early, but Happy Birthday to me.
  I don't know the exact vintage, but it's somewhere in the late 30's.  All the parts work, the letters are clear, even the ribbon seems pretty good.  And it was made in Toronto.  Imagine that!  I am so happy about this find.  Now at last I have a typewriter to help me finish what I wanted to do with my Zombie Manual.  Fun times.

Now I got around to taking pictures because I looked outside and saw that my peonies were beautifully lit and screamed to have their pictures taken.  These peonies were started from seeds kindly given to me by a gentleman from the Canadian Peony Society at a Canada Blooms show.  I started with a bunch of seeds, 10 germinated that summer and one, this beautiful one, made it through the winter to bloom the very next year.  This plant is heavily shaded by a very weedy wisteria, but manages year after year to produce these stunning blooms.  Where ever that gentleman may be, he always has my deepest thanks.


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