Girls of the waves for my Nieces

I have been on a total Stickles kick.  Everything looks better with sparkle.  I did a Zentangle butterfly, coloured it with Copics, covered it in glossy gel medium to seal it and then added to all the patterns with Stickles.  Ahhh, total blingage.  If you want to see it, it's at Bizzy B's.

So Easter is coming and I'll be missing dinner with the family, so I thought I'd send something to my nieces.  I don't like the idea of big gifts, so I thought maybe I'd do a paper doll for each of them.  Better, paper mermaids.  After all, if you've ever seen fish scales, they sparkle in the sun, so it was the perfect opportunity to use Stickles.

I use a gel medium before applying Stickles so that the Stickles doesn't lift the colour underneath.  I also use Liquid pearls, which will also lift the colour if you work on an unsealed surface.  I chose glossy for this project, because they are supposed to be wet mermaids, but it does make photographing them hard.

I hope my nieces like them and that they stay out of the garbage can for at least a few hours.  I'll throw in some stamped images of other doll bits for them to colour and cut out themselves.  We'll see.  Well I won't see, I'll be at Bizzy B's.  Drop by and say hello.


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