July Challenges

In the summer we're all busy.  BBQ's, summer camp, trips to the cottage and road trips with the family, nights sleeping in tents and oppressive heat all contribute to a hectic time that seems to move at all too slow a pace.  We all think we can cram in a little extra.  Well we thought a good July challenge would involve less, not more.  The point of this month's challenge is making the most of those hot summer days, without adding to the already hectic pace.  Summer living should be easy and so should our summer challenge.  Be quick, be easy, be uncomplicated.

To kick things off, I made a quick hostess gift to take to a friend's cottage when we go.  Their cottage is such an inspiration.  Simple, homey and filled with things that are meaningful to them.  Almost every object holds a story, but at the same time is displayed in a very easy simple way.  Last year I made them a glass mushroom, but this year I thought a pack of homemade blank cards and what better way to honour the cottage tradition than by using Graphic 45's On the Boardwalk collection.  What makes a whole pack of cards simple is the way these papers coordinate and the elements that can be cut out of the cards.  Pick a coordinating cardstock and you are good to go.  I picked a burnt orange, turquoise and ochre linen card at Bizzy B's, where I also picked up the Graphic 45 paper.

The whole project took about an hour and a half.  I did have to split my time over a couple of days due to the use of Glossy Accents and Distress Crackle paint in clear.

See the challenge over at Scraptivity.  There will be quick project ideas throughout the month.  Come over, have a look and pick up or share an inspiration for a quick summer project.


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