I am so glad that in the midst of an economic meltdown, cuts in TTC service, 4% (twice inflation) tax increase, that you and your minions have found a way to waste my money in a blatant, open and totally easy to berate way. CREEK Signs! Yes, I am sure it didn't cost millions of dollars, but really, do we need a sign for the Don River on the Millwood Bridge? How about Mud Creek, the glorified ditch at the Brick Works? How much did this cost? I think our waterways would be better served by having more people on buses. If it cost the same as running one more bus, it was a waste. And where the hell are the "investigative reporters"? Asleep at their news service wires as usual. Who is going to hold this council accountable? You know if this kind of thing is going on openly, what is going on below the surface? David Miller you are a joke of a Mayor. Grow a set, do something, stand for something, stand up to someone (Union leaders maybe). But since your only skill is laying low, I can only hope that eventually you will go away.


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