Welcome Our New Government
and its the one we deserve. We will only ever get the government we deserve, the one we demand and the one that makes the collective we happy. Unfortunately, the average we just wants average things. We don't like politicians to stand out too much or for that matter to stand for anything solid and concrete. Our collective middle of the roadness creates middle of the road politicians that listen to the pollsters, who tell them what the "average" person wants on average, 98% correct ± 5%. When you look around the world, there is a rash of countries with minority or coalition governments. Everyone is voting in the middle for candidates that are all only fractionally off centre. During the election, the various candidates would have you believe that their competitors are way off on the other end of the political spectrum, with the Bloc on an adjacent, non-intersecting, spectrum. So why do we deserve this? For whatever reason we don't ask the really tough questions, or we ask for what is essentially impossible. No one brought up food safety in a real way. We are in the middle of figuring out the listeria issue and China is the new leader in melamine for consumption export. What we do ask, "Fix the economy". In the over 200 year history of industrialism and growing global trade, no government has figured out how to do this with any success. Please don't answer Marx. He never held a job, and his co-author Engels looked after his finances, fixed his writing and took blame for his dalliances. Besides, look how that experiment turned out. I don't have the answers, but I know that none of the heads on the signs have it either.
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