Ok, you know you’re a geek when,you have the babylon5_Station font.  My family laughs and laughs at my geekness.

We’ve often discussed the degrees of geekness.  We were told the story of a man, who owns a lightsabre, dresses up and drives half-way across the continent to attend Star Wars conventions and has the nerve to call other people geeks.  One has to wonder.

I do a lot of geeky things myself.  I, on the other hand embrace my geekiness.  Hell, geeks rule the world.  I don’t think Bill Gates would consider himself anything other than a geek.  If he does, he’s in serious denial.  My friend, who I think still knows the names of all the original Star Trek episodes and what they were about, says I speak geek when I talk about computers.  

Now I would never go to a Science Fiction convention, because my spouse would never stop laughing.  NEVER.  I think it would be fun.  It would be cool to talk to some of the authors who write the books you love, or the shows you watch.  What’s wrong with that?  I think it’s because of the costumes and dressing up.  I think that kind of thing is viewed as childish, however, at Halloween, I put a lot of work into my whole family’s costumes.  They are usually historical in nature, but I may move on to other themes.  I like to mix it up.  My family thinks this is great fun and no one laughs at me then.  

I guess being a geek is starting to be acceptable, but until people start to recognize their own geek within it will still be something to poke fun at.  Oh well, I can console myself at Jeff Russell’s Starship Dimensions website.  Wowhoo!


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